Precious Umogbai

Research Assistant

Precious Umogbai is in her fifth and final year at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) majoring in Mental Health Studies & double minoring in Linguistics and Music. New to the Black Health Equity Lab, she is passionate about educating individuals on the secret to holistic living; better mental health care. She is currently pursing a career in Mental Health Counselling and has gained a lot of experience working within the UTSC community. As a former Student Leader and Program Assistant of the First-Year Learning Communities Program, at the Office of Student Experience and Wellbeing, she helped first-year students transition into post-secondary education, teaching them social skills to help navigate any space. Precious is one of the Program Managers at United for Literacy (UTSC); an organization that helps to promote literacy among Elementary and High School students in the Scarborough community. She also volunteers with Talk It Out; a clinic operating through the lens of anti-oppressive practice, anti-black racism and trauma informed care and aimed at enhancing the mental health and wellbeing of individuals living within the GTA, 16 years or older. In her free time, Precious enjoys cooking up new recipes and singing. She also enjoys regular exercise and spending time with Jesus, as He is the greatest part of her identity.